FELL: значение слова

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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 11th Edition


I. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German fel skin, Latin pellis Date: before 12th century skin , hide , pelt , a thin tough membrane covering a carcass directly under the hide,

II. transitive verb see: fall Date: before 12th century

1. to cut, knock, or bring down , kill , to sew (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat on the wrong side, fellable adjective feller noun see: fall

IV. adjective see: felon
Date: 14th century

1. fierce , cruel , terrible , sinister , malevolent , very destructive ; deadly , sharp , pungent , fellness noun felly adverb

V. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse fell, fjall mountain; akin to Old High German felis rock
Date: 14th century
a high barren field or moor